Magnesium Automotive Applications Demonstrator |
3D Demonstrator—Global Parts In Serial Production Explore and use the 3D demonstrator to display the parts manufactured with magnesium including structural, BIW (body-in-white), transmission, and interior applications. Click the components in the legend on the left to learn more. Using IMA's virtual demonstrator, an expert panel of IMA members discussed magnesium automotive parts currently in use in the IMA webinar Magnesium Parts in Serial Production: A Virtual Demonstrator. (Click here for more information.) For best demonstrator display, please use the Full Screen option on a desktop/laptop computer. Some parts may not display correctly on a mobile device. Full Screen Option IMA's automotive demonstrator provides an interactive tool for visualizing magnesium parts used in serial production. As automakers strive to improve fuel efficiency and improve performance by reducing overall vehicle weight, the use of lightweight magnesium parts in vehicles is increasing. Currently, models in production use between 5kg and 30kg in magnesium parts. Given that magnesium is 33% lighter than aluminum and 75% lighter than steel, there is significantly more potential for lightweight magnesium applications across a broad range of product types. |
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Conference on Magnesium Casting Manufacturing Technology
SMM Q4 Webinar for Members Only
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German Die Casting Day